Plastic Axe Throwing Event

Saturday, June 17th @ 11:00 AM

Dads bring your kids down for some plastic axe-throwing fun! Dads will partner up with each child individually to throw axes and score points. Dads can play one round with each of their children but will only get raffle tickets based on the highest result of one round for them and one round for one child, not for each child they play with. Each person will get 4 throws that willed be awarded points based on where on the target their axe sticks. The three best throws for each person will be used to score points. Points will be totaled for dad and child and then a number of raffle tickets will be given based on that score. The center circle (Bullseye) is worth 100 points, the inner ring is worth 50 points, the outer ring is worth 25 points and anywhere else on the board is worth 10 points. Participants must fill out their name and phone number on raffle tickets to be eligible to win a prize. Drawings for prizes will be held the following week and winners contacted by phone. If the writing on the ticket cannot be read, then another ticket will be pulled. Participants who wish to give their email address to be notified of other upcoming events will also get an additional two raffle tickets to enter for prizes in this event. The first 100 Dads to participate will also receive a Bellis Fair Coffee Mug.


Raffle tickets will be awarded for the following points:

0-100: 1 ticket

100-200: 2 tickets

200-400: 3 tickets

400-600: 5 tickets

Current Prizes to be raffled away:

1st prize/grand prize: One Backyard Axe throwing Set, Approximate retail value $70.

Runner up prizes: $25 Gift Card to Buffalo Wild Wings, $25 Gift Card to Buffalo Wild Wings, $25 Gift Card to Cinnabon.